Friday, April 17, 2009

Better Thinking = A Better Life

If you are having problems and not getting the successful results that you want in each part of your life. It means that you are doing something wrong. Which in-turn means that you are thinking wrong. Like Einstein said "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." The better your thinking and beliefs get, the better your life will get, because your life results are the results of your thinking. In other words your life physically and literally is caused by the spiritual i.e.thoughts, beliefs and the soul. Correct your thoughts and beliefs and your life will correct likewise.

Monday, March 30, 2009

O Ye of Little Faith

It is not a question whether your soul i.e. the God in you, can heal you, prosper you, cause you to be debt free, create holistic happiness, comfort you, find your soul mate, keep you safe, free you from drugs or alcohol, free you from stress, cause you to be healthy and fit, prevent bad things from happening to you, create your dreams, create heaven in your life, or not. It is a fact. The question is DO YOU BELIEVE?

"It shall be done to you according to your faith." Mark 9:29

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nonprosperous Beliefs

If you are not prospering in all parts of your life, e.g. health, money, relationships etc., it is because of the beliefs in your heart and soul e.g. subconscious mind, for those parts that you are not prospering in are not prosperous beliefs.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Are You Ready to be Free?

If you want to live a fulfilled and abundantly blessed life with holistic success, happiness, good health, longevity, love and prosperity. First you must believe in unlimited potential i.e. God and Self. Then seek to understand God and the spiritual truth. Because, God is Life and God is Truth and God is Spirit, God is not a man. There is no other way to have the extraordinary life that you have the potential to have.

The Bible gives us some clues in Matt 6:33 when it says: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Also, in John 4:24 when it says: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” The world have conditioned us to think of God as a man, but Numbers 23:19 says: God is not a man ... The bottom line and the spiritual truth is that God is mind, spirit and soul and the better your understanding of the role of each, the more faith you have and the better your life becomes.

Now you understand the spiritual role you play in causing the blessings you want to come into your life. Now you live your life based on the spiritual e.g. law of cause and effect and the law of focus e.g. attraction instead of on the world's theology. Now you worship God in spirit and in truth inward instead of outward. Now you realize that your life and blessings are created from the inside out e.g. divine spirit within.

The Bible says in John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Now you know how to break FREE e.g. stress free, worry free, issue free, problem free, drama free, dis-ease free, debt free, financially free etc.

Now you can live happier, healthier, longer, abundantly blessed and fulfilled.

Dr. Martin Luther King stated it like this:" "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

Are you ready to be free?; Or, are you too caught up in the tricks and traps of the world?

Romans 12:2 says: "And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind," Also this quote is not in the bible but is very profound: "be ye in the world, but not of the world".


Sunday, March 22, 2009

"You Become What You Think About"

"You become what you think about." Meaning, that your beliefs (good, bad or indifferent), held in your mind long enough and strong enough become planted in your subconscious mind/soul, which transforms/creates the beliefs into reality e.g. emotionally, physically and financially.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Life is Not About What You Can See

There is more to life than what meets the eye and ear. Life is not about what you can see, but it is about what you can’t see i.e. God; everything else is relative.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wrong Words

It is the wrong words in your mind, i.e. thoughts and beliefs, that is the cause your problems. It is changing to the right words in your mind that will fix your problems.

Greg Tharpe

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Man verses God: Q & A

Q: What does the President have to do with a man or woman's holistic happiness, blessings and success in life?

A: Absolutely Positively Nothing

Q: What does a "personal relationship with God" i.e. Knowledge of the Spiritual Truth (understanding the role of the mind, spirit and soul) and faith have to do with a man or woman's holistic happiness, blessings and success in life?

A: Absolutely Positively Everything

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Two Most Valuable Resources in the World

There are two resources in life that are the most valuable. More valuable than oil, gold, diamonds, pearls or any other supposedly valuable resource. If you posses them you posses the key to open the doors to the most blessed and fulfilling life that is humanly possible. If you don't posses them your life may be materially or perhaps physically blessed but you will still feel unfulfilled. You may be blessed with much money and many possessions but you won't be as happy as you would like.

The two resources are FAITH and FOCUS. They will only work hand in hand. Faith won't work without focus. And you can't have focus without having faith.

FAITH is trust in the power of the Divinity in you for everything that you need and want in life. It grows as you gain understanding of self and God e.g. mind, spirit and soul. You will only be fulfilled to the level of your faith.

FOCUS is overcoming the distractions of the world that are keeping your attention on the things that's most important in life e.g. your dream.

Faith without focus is dead.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is Your God Religious or Spiritual?

Worldly (literal, religious or opinionated) based beliefs about God, Self and Life puts limits on your wisdom and power i.e. potential, and will causes you an unfulfilled life either spiritually (emotionally), and/or physically and/or financially.

However, Spiritual based (i.e. mind, spirit and soul) beliefs about God, Self and Life removes the limits and gives you full wisdom and power and will causes you a happier, healthier, more abundantly blessed and more fulfilling life.

Bible Clue: John 4:24 NIV

"God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

To Get You Have to Give-up

Blessings don’t just fall out of the sky without you doing
something to cause them. A few are bestowed upon you by the
grace of God without you doing anything, but the abundance
of blessings that God has in store for you has to be earned by
making sacrifices in your life. To get, you have to give (i.e. give up).

Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Either Your Master or Your Slave

Your subconscious mind is either your slave or your master. It will work for you or against you. If it is your master, you are it's slave. If you are it's master, it is your slave and will do whatever you ask of it. "Ask and you shall receive ..."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's a Shame - Religions are Doing a Dis-service to the World

All religious paths e.g. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc., should be leading it's followers to the knowledge of the spiritual truth (e.g. knowledge of the working of the mind, spirit and soul) which causes total happiness and a abundantly blessed and fulfilled life. Unfortunately, for the worlds religions, the path to God stops in their religion e.g. outer world, and does not venture into the inner spiritual world where God and the real truth is found. It can be said that religions are not serving their purpose and is a dis-service to the people and the world. It can also be said that the people don't know or believe this, therefore is content with their life as is. They are afraid of the truth, therefore don't believe it and rebuke it.

Furthermore, it can be said that the religions are not leading people to God because God is truth. They are holding them hostage in religion. It can be said that Satan don't want the followers of religion to know the truth because the truth will set them free. The people are content living in the bondage of the worlds system because they don't trust Gods spiritual system. Some have all of the material things they won't, most don't, none have all of the happiness that they want. They rather depend on and trust man for their blessings rather than God. Their subconscious mind has been programmed to rebuke believing all information that does not pertain to God from a human, literal and worldly perspective. The religions and people of the world should commend Satan for a job well done. What a shame!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Affirmation for the Day

I am trusting that my subconscious mind (i.e. God) will cause me great happiness, peace, joy, health, longevity and prosperity because I am focused and thinking on these things.

Monday, February 16, 2009

E=MC² - It's All Relative

Life is about "God", nothing more, nothing less. Everything else in life is relative. Its not about people e.g. you, me, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Moses, Bush, Obama or anyone else. It's not about religion or politics.It's not about places. It's not about things. HOWEVER, people , places and things are all relative. If the SPIRITUAL TRUTH be told, life is about spirit (positive and negative energy) often times called "God" and "Satan". E=MC² ... It's all relative.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Golden Rules for Finding a Life Partner

FINDING AND KEEPING A LIFE PARTNER - Golden rules for finding your life partner by Dov Heller, M.A

When it comes to making the decision about choosing a life partner, no one wants to make a mistake. Yet, with a divorce rate of close to 50%,it appears that many are making serious mistakes in their approach to finding Mr./Miss. Right!

If you ask most couples who are engaged why they're getting married, they'll say: "We're in love"; I believe this is the #1mistake people make when they date. Choosing a life partner should never be based on love.

Though this may sound "not politically correct", there's a profound Truth here. Love is not the basis for getting married.Rather, love is the result of a good marriage. When the other ingredients are right, then the love will come. Let me say it again:"You can't build a lifetime relationship on love alone"; you need a lot more!!!

Here are five questions you must ask yourself if you're serious about finding and keeping a life partner.

QUESTION #1: Do we share a common life purpose?
Why is this so important? Let me put it this way: If you're married for 20 or 30 years, that's a long time to live with someone. What do you plan to do with each other all that time? Travel,eat and jog together?

You need to share something deeper and more meaningful.You need a Common life purpose. Two things can happen in a marriage: (1) You can grow together, or (2) you can grow apart. 50% of the people out there are growing apart. To make a marriage work, you need to know what you want out of life! Bottom line; and marry someone who wants the same thing.

QUESTION #2: Do I feel safe expressing my feelings and thoughts with this person?
This question goes to the core of the quality of your relationship. Feeling safe means you can communicate openly with this person. The Basis of having good communication is trust - I.e.Trust that I won't get "punished"; or hurt for expressing my honest thoughts and feelings. A colleague of mine defines an abusive person as someone with whom you feel afraid to express your thoughts and feelings.Be honest with yourself on this one. Make sure you feel emotionally safe with the person you plan to marry.

QUESTION #3: Is he/she a mensch?
A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person. How can you test? Here are some suggestions. Do they work on personal growth on a regular basis? Are they serious about improving themselves? A teacher of mine defines a good person as "someone who is always striving to be good and do the right thing"; so ask about your Significant other what do they do with their time? Is this person materialistic? Usually a materialistic person is not someone whose top priority is character refinement. There are essentially two types of people in the world: (1) People who are dedicated to personal growth and(2) people who are dedicated to seeking comfort. Someone whose goal in life is to be comfortable will put personal comfort ahead of doing the right thing. You need to know that before walking down the aisle.

QUESTION #4: How does he/she treat other people?
The one most important thing that makes any relationship work is the ability to give. By giving, we mean the ability to give another person pleasure. Ask: Is this someone who enjoys giving pleasure to others or are they wrapped up in themselves and self-absorbed? To measure this, think about the following:

* How do they treat people whom they do not have to be nice to, Such as waiters, bus boys, taxi drivers, etc.?
* How do they treat their parents and siblings?
* Do they have gratitude and appreciation? If they don't have gratitude for the people who have given them everything;
* Can you do nearly as much for them? You can be sure that someone Who treats others poorly will eventually treat you poorly as well.

QUESTION #5: Is there anything I'm hoping to change about this person after we're married?

Too many people make the mistake of marrying someone with the intention of trying to "improve"; them after they're married.As a colleague of mine puts it: "You can probably expect someone to change after marriage for the worse" if you cannot fully accept this person the way they are now, then you are not ready to marry them.

In conclusion, dating doesn't have to be difficult and treacherous. The key is to try leading a little more with your head and less with your heart. It pays to be as objective as possible when you are dating; to be sure to ask questions that will help you get to the key issues. Falling in love is a great feeling, but when you wake up with a ring on your finger, you don't want to find yourself in trouble because you didn't do your homework.

Another perspective. ... There are some people in your life that need to beloved from a distance.... (some of y'all may need to read that again) It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of or at least minimize your time with draining, negative,incompatible, not-going anywhere relationships. Observe the relationships around you. (This statement feeds into my thoughts on "Do Not Make Someone a Priority In Your Life, When All You Are Is Just An Option For Them")

Pay attention... . Which ones lift and which ones lean? Which ones encourage and which ones discourage? Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are going downhill? When you leave certain people do you feel better or feel worse? Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know, or appreciate you?

The more you seek quality, respect, growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you...the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.

An African proverb states, "Before you get married, keep both eyes open, and after you marry, close one eye"; Before you get involved and make a commitment to someone, don't let lust, pity,desperation, immaturity, ignorance, pressure from others or a low self-esteem make you blind to warning signs. Keep your eyes open, and don't fool yourself that you can change someone or that what you see as faults aren't really that important.

* Do you bring out the best in each other?
* Do you compliment and compromise with each other, or do you compete, compare and control?
* What do you bring to the relationship?
* Do you bring past relationships, past hurt, past mistrust, past pain?
* You can't take someone to the altar to alter them.
* You can't make someone love you or make someone stay.
* If you develop self-esteem, spiritual discernment, and"a life"; you won't find yourself making someone else responsible for your happiness or responsible for your pain. Seeking status,sex, and security are the wrong reasons to be in a relationship.

7. DAILY EXCHANGES (meal, shared activity, hug, call,touch, notes,

If these qualities are missing, the relationship will erode as resentment withdrawal, abuse, neglect, and dishonesty; and pain will replace it.

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keep You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But.........Only God keeps You Going!

"In search for me, I discovered truth. In search for truth, I discovered love and in search for love, I discovered God. In God, I have found everything."

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals...."

Authors Unknown

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Magical Power of Faith

Faith is the key to an abundant and fulfilling life. It is more valuable than any amount of money and any material possession. The man or woman who possesses it will have the resource to work miracles in his/her life and the life of others. There is nothing in the world more valuable than faith. Faith is not a thing and it is not of this world - it is a MINDSET.

Matthew 9:29" According to your faith let it be done to you"

Matthew 17:20 And Jesus said to them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."

Luke 17:5 The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."

As man's faith increases, his problems decrease and his blessings increase.

Your Faith increases when your DESIRE for it increases. Therefore, your search (seek ye first the kingdom ...) for the truth increase. Therefore, your understanding of the spiritual truth about "God"/Life e.g. Self/ Mind, Spirit, Soul/ The YOU-niverse increase. Therefore, your wisdom and power increases. Therefore, your problems and issues decrease. Therefore, your blessings increase. Therefore, YOUR HAPPINESS INCREASE.

If your spiritual understanding is limited, so shall be your faith and so shall be your happiness.

Hebrews 11:6 Now without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who diligently search for him.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Don't Blame - it Blocks Your Blessings

Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

If things are not going right in your life, don't blame others, they can't stop your success. ONLY YOU CAN STOP YOUR OWN SUCCESS. No one can stop God from blessing you with success but YOU.

Don't blame, it blocks your blessings. Blaming others for your lack of success is spiritual ignorance (lack of knowledge of the spiritual truth). Also, it is an indication to your lack of faith in God i.e. your divine power and potential.

Don't limit GOD to being able to be stopped from blessing you because of someone else, he's BIGGER than that. Don't limit the God Power and potential in you - you're bigger than that.

If the truth be told, blame YOUR perspective, it is the cause of your frustrations. In other words, others can't stop GOD from working miracles in your life, only you can do that.

A Bad Spiritual Perspective causes Bad things to happen in your life.
A Good Spiritual Perspective causes Good things to happen in your life.
A Great Spiritual Perspective causes Great things to happen in your life and ...
A EXTRAORDINARY Spiritual Perspective causes miracles to happen in your life.

PROVERBS 23:7 "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Three Kinds of People

There are three kinds of people in the World (1) Followers of Religion, (2)
Seekers of the Spiritual Truth i.e. Kingdom of God, true happiness, (3) Existers i.e. Neither Followers or Seekers.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stop Sowing Bad and Mediocre Seeds

Thoughts/words are spiritual seeds; the subconscious mind/heart/soul is the spiritual soil (creator); you are the farmer (sower). Your life (e.g.emotionally, physically, financially) is the crops/harvest.

"A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7

You are the sower and the reaper.

Intention plants the seeds; Desire waters and cultivates the seeds and the soil; the subconscious/soul manifest the seed/crop in your mind, body and life.

Plant extraordinary seeds and MIND your garden ... in due season you are guaranteed extraordinary harvest. On the other hand if you plant bad or mediocre seeds you are guaranteed a bad or mediocre harvest.

By the way, the subconscious/creator doesn't discriminate, you don't have to be religious. You just have to religiously mind your crops.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

6 Keys to Life

If you posses these 6 keys, God/Life will become your servant. Ask and you shall receive.

1. The knowledge of the 3 R’s e.g. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.

2. The knowledge of The Spiritual Truth. Meaning knowledge of how the mind – body – soul and spirit connection interacts to cause good or bad in body and your life. Understanding that spiritual ignorance is mans greatest enemy.

3. The knowledge of the Deception of the World to keep you thinking in the box for the gratification of the Financial Elite. Understanding that money is the root of all evil.

4. Dreams / Hope/ Goals / Aspirations and Intentions - A vision of how you want your life to be spiritually, health, relationships, financially.

5. Faith – Trust in your potential, the Spiritual System e.g Divine Power in you for your welfare.

6. Focus – Keep your mind on the things you want and off of the things you don’t want.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Most people are confused about spirituality or being spiritual not religious. A lot of people call them self spiritual when in fact they are not.

Here is the definition of spirituality that came to me the other day. When you read it there should not be any doubt about whether you are spiritual. Being Spiritual is about changing and accepting a new perspective e.g. new way of thinking about God and Life.

Spirituality - is growing in spiritual understanding of the true knowledge of God and Self by way of knowledge of how the mind, body, spirit and soul interacts to cause the results that you experience in each part of your life, (e.g. emotionally, physically and financially).

Religions and most people of the world don't accept this as truth because they are caught up in the male, human perspective of God, therefore they rebuke any other beliefs.

The Bible says "and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free". Therefore, since spirituality is based on the spiritual truth, being Spiritual frees you from the stresses and ills of the world.

Now, with that being said, Are you Spiritual?

If Yes - Congratulations, keep improving your thinking based on the truth. Your life is going to get better and better each year. Trust the Truth e.g. GOD.


You are the co-creator in your life. The creator in you is creating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. What ever results that you have achieved, emotionally, physically, financially you consciously or subconsciously co-created.

You have the potential to create anything that is humanly possible e.g. extreme happiness, perfect health and longevity, extreme wealth.

However, it is only possible if you intend it and put your energy, attention and focus on it. If you don't put your focus on the things that you want, your subconscious power is going to create what you don't want or a small or mediocre portion of what you want.

The distractions of life normally win out and keep you from putting your energy and focus on the things that's most important and that you want in life.

But, first and foremost you must intend on co-creating this extraordinary life.

You are connected to the creator (potential energy). It is divinity (the God in you). It has amazing power to cause the manifestation of words in your emotions, body, finances and life.

It is at work 24/7 crating your life causing your choices, actions and results based on your mindset.

Everyone is connected to this great power (potential energy). It is given to everyone to use to create an abundantly blessed life. But, most people don't understand it and don't believe in it because it doesn't fit their paradigm.

This great power is either working for you or against you. It can either be your master or your slave. It will master you if you don't control it. However if you master it - it will act as you servant and do whatever you ask of it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where does happiness come from?

A man has a good job, making a six figure income. Therefore, he doesn't have money problems.

He's in good health, eat right, work out four days a week, therefore he doesn't have health problems.

He's not married, therefore he doesn't have marriage problems.

He has a great personality and social life, therefore he doesn't have relationship or self esteem problems.

He goes to church every Sunday and he is very much into politics.

But he is still not happy, something is missing from his life.

Guess what it is?

He hasn't passed the necessary requirements for happiness. He is searching for happiness in the world where it can not be found.

Happiness is found in a spiritual realtionship with God (e.g. understanding the source of hapiness which is understanding the mind, body, spirit and soul interaction)

Let it be known that happiness does not come from this world (e.g. people, places and things).

So, to answer the question 'Where does happiness come from?' GOD!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Power of your Mindset

The only reason a man or woman is not prosperous, healthy and happy is that his or her mindset is not prosperous, healthy and happy.


Friday, January 16, 2009

Understanding the Power and Rewards of Giving

The law of giving is a very powerful law if you have the faith to trust it. Here is the way that it works:

The more you get, the more you should give, the more you will get, the more you should give, the more you will get, the more you should give ...

It is a perpetual motion that's in harmony with the current/energy flow of the universe. That stands to reason why they call money currency.

Before you know it you will have given away millions and recieved millions. What a trade-off, millions for millions and nothing lost. WOW!

The Messanger

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Was Jesus a Super Man?

Jesus could walk on water, heal the sick, turn water to wine, give the blind sight, make the lame walk, the deaf hear and raise the dead. Therefore, do you believe he was a Super Man?

If you believe that Jesus was a Super Man and he said that "anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these ... "John 14:12.

Then, who/what does that potentially make you? A Extra Super man or woman?

Yep, all you've got to do is BELIEVE and God (your subconscious power) will do the rest.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Change Your Thinking ... Grow Your Blessings ...

"Health is the greatest gift. Happiness is the greatest wealth. Enlightenment is the greatest bliss." ~Buddha

Some things are not humanly possible, BUT a life of peace, joy and happiness is. good health and longevity is, and so is prosperity and financial freedom.

That is, if you have the faith of a mustard seed, desire, and don't get caught up in the negative and limited thinking of the world.

"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you." Matthew 17:20 "

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind," Romans 12:2

Be Wise ... Be Free ... Intend/Expect To Be Abundantly Blessed w/ Peace, Joy, Happiness and Success!



IT'S POSSIBLE ... we human beings have a mind that has the ability/potential to think the thoughts and believe the beliefs that will cause our subconscious mind, aka soul, aka potential energy, aka heart, aka life (energy), aka divinity (God in us) to cause our body and life to bring those thoughts and beliefs to life (manifest).

THE PROBLEM: The problem is that we don't believe, if we say we do, we are fooling ourselves, it is belief that is in our head and not in our heart/subconscious. It is obvious by our emotional, physical and/or financial state that our lives are in today (manifestations). Or, we are not focused on the things that are most important in life e.g. happiness, good health and prosperity(?). Again it's obvious by our results. What you focus on manifest, the subconscious (life energy) takes those words or imaginary pictures and brings them to life. Therefore, our attention and intention is out of whack. If we focus on the right thoughts and beliefs, our potential energy that all humans are connected to, will manifest/bring these words e.g. happiness, good health and prosperity to life. Our life would be HEAVEN on earth ... GUARANTEED!

THE TRICK: Here is the trick, I'll say this in biblical terms, the Devil/Satan does not want you to be successful. Even though he will allow us limited success, so we will be content. His role and mission in the game of life is to get us NOT to believe in ourselves or not to believe in our POTENTIAL energy, aka GOD IN US, power to bring abundant success in each part of your life. Therefore, if he can't get you not to believe, he is going to try to distract you and get your attention on all of this unimportant stuff going on in the world. Faith without Focus is dead!

THE SOLUTION: The bottom line is, if you plant the seeds of happiness, good health and prosperity, FOCUS e.g. water nurture and cultivate them. The spiritual soil, aka subconscious mind, aka soul, aka potential energy, aka heart, aka life (energy), aka divinity (God in us) is going to guarantee you an abundant crop when it is ready to be harvested.

FOCUS ... FOCUS ... FOCUS ... FOCUS ... FOCUS ... it has to be developed but it's possible. As your focus GROW so will you GROW and so will your happiness and the rest of your blessings GROW.

Be Wise ... Be Free ... Intend/Expect To Be Abundantly Blessed w/ Peace, Joy, Happiness and Success!



And he (God) is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything.
Acts 17:25 (NIV)

Note: The terms “God” and “He” are figures of speech for the Creator of the Universe. This post is not intended to offend anyone’s personal, spiritual or religious beliefs.

God is independent; He has everything; He owns the universe and everything in it; He needs nothing from man. Man is the one who needs God. Without God, man has no chance of understanding the mystery and complexity of life, and is doomed to being caught up in one of Satan’s traps, which keep him from experiencing true happiness and fulfillment.

God does not ask for worldly praise, worship, rituals or tithes; God is not into receiving these things; God is into giving blessings through the Holy Spirit. God wants nothing more from you than for you to trust Him and get out of His way so that He can do His thing, and bless you abundantly. Therefore, God wants you to correct your misconceptions of life.

God does not need praise, He has higher self-esteem; He wants you to praise each other.
God does not need money; He is the source form which true wealth comes.
God does not need you to worship Him; God is humble; He does not have an ego.
God does not need religious rituals and ceremonies; they are for man’s gratification.
God does not need mega–churches; the church/temple is within you.

The only thing God needs from you is for you to seek the truth, and change the way you think and believe (get the hell out of the way… free your mind and soul), so that your faith in Him can increase. Then He can come into your life and bless you with the wisdom power and prosperity necessary for a fulfilling life.

Wisdom and Blessings,


Monday, January 12, 2009

Don't Even Try it ..."God" is Beyond Man's Comprehension

Hope this doesn't scare you. I know it's going against the worlds teachings, but, don't worry it is harmless. It's the stuff that you've been taught for xx years that's causing you harm.

Man Cannot Prove "God", But ...You CAN prove THE CREATION e.g. earth, sun, moon, stars, planets, the universe. But, you CAN'T prove the who (?), what (?) when (?), where(?), how (?), why (?) of the creation? You can believe what you want to believe, but you can't prove it. It's not even debatable.

Regardless of what Religion or Science or whoever else says, it's beyond human comprehension and proof. As a matter of fact "God" is so beyond man that man cannot go to "his" level, therefore man tries to bring"God" to man's level ... sad but true.

However, you can prove the Spiritual Laws that governs life; "As a man thinketh in his heart (soul/subconscious mind) so is he", e.g. you reap what you sow, the law of attraction, the law of cause and effect etc.

In other WORDS ...Your PERSPECTIVE (thoughts and beliefs) causes your ATTITUDE which causes your ACTIONS (choices and decisions) which causes your RESULTS.

If you want to get better results with your Money, Health and Relationships (in marriage it takes two :-) ... CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE. The better it gets, the better your results gets. It's the Divine Law... GUARENTEED TO WORK.

Be Wise ... Be Free ... Intend/Expect to be Abundantly Blessed!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Contrary to popular belief and what the bible literally says. The bible is not a religious book. It is a spiritual book of success based on the spiritual truth of how the mind, spirit and soul affects your body and life.

Think and Grow More Blessed!


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Get your mind ready for a new more enriching way of thinking that is going to propel you to another level and cause emotional, physical and financial blessings to flow in abundance into your life. Get ready to become wiser, stronger and better as your faith/understanding of life increase. Get ready for a Breakthrough, A New Year ... A New You ... A New More Blessed Life.